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Vol.5-Fior Di Reticello

Giuliana Buonpadre

$ 65.00  CAD


Fior di Reticello, which continues the theme of reticello begun in Volume 3, goes deep into the detail, especially for the new designs and the use of color in reticello: from just two colors to the wide variety found in the final section of the book.
Many of the works illustrated are further enhanced by the use of the "punto Chiaro" technique.
One particular example, which is explained in great detail with diagrams and photos.
As mentioned in Volume 3, you have a greater possibility of working on more complex and delicate patterns if you have some knowledge and experience and if you follow the instructions in the book: here too I always start from a "simple" project, such as a cushion, and work up to larger and more complex items.

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Text in Italian, English, and French

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